Jay Allen Finn Can Help You With An Irs Offer In Compromise

An IRS offer in compromise will allow you to settle your tax debt for a much lower amount than what you currently owe. Of course, you will need to determine first if you qualify for this reduction. Typically those who do qualify settle up with the IRS for the lowest amount that is allowed by law. This could take thousands of dollars off the total that you currently owe. So, how do you find out if you qualify? You simply contact Jay Allen Finn, CPA and allow him to get to work for you. Mr. Finn has an experienced team of tax professionals working with him who can help to ensure that you get your delinquent taxes settled.

You should understand however that not everyone who has delinquent taxes will qualify for an offer in compromise. If you have the means to pay your tax debt through installment agreements or other methods, you will likely not be able to settle for less than what the IRS currently says that you owe. If however, you cannot satisfy your IRS debt meaning that you simply cannot afford to make monthly payments or if you cannot borrow the funds in which to pay the IRS what you owe them, then you may very well qualify for an offer in compromise. You simply will never know unless you contact Mr. Finn and allow him to help you.

If you have received a bank or a wage levy, Mr. Finn can help with those as well. After working as an IRS agent for several years, he knows exactly how to talk with the IRS and get you the help that you need. He can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. In fact, he and his team of tax professionals have never lost a significant case. All of the clients who have held up their end of the bargain have received a complete payoff from tax debt for much less than what they originally owed.

Once again, the only way that you will know if you qualify for an offer in compromise is to contact Mr. Finn today. If you need to pay off an IRS debt, if you have a wage levy, if your bank accounts have been seized, you simply do not have time to waste. Contact Jay Allen Finn, CPA today and allow him and his team to go to work for you.

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