Assess Your Transferrable Skills For A New Job

Transferable skills are essential if you are looking for a new job. These are the skills that you have gained from your previous job experience, which may not have been evident on the previous job descriptions. For instance, skills acquired through volunteer works and other life experience, such as sports and hobbies can be considered as transferable skills.

Employers oftentimes put emphasis on job experience rather than the formal description of your previous job. Taking this into account, you may need to look back on how you have performed in your previous job and reflect on the skills that you have acquired. You can use these skills to advance you in a much higher position or obtain your dream job. Below are some examples of transferable skills that you can include in your application.

– Organizational abilities, such as planning and organizing events, meetings, and activities
– Communication skills, such as public speaking, resource speaking, public/business relations, and radio/TV announcing, and
– Delegation abilities, such as being a representative for meeting, seminars, and workshops
– Visual presentation, such as video and power point project presentations
– Construction and design abilities as for buildings and furnitures
– Research abilities as for secretarial positions and others like personal detectives and legal research assistance

There are many ways to assess your transferable skills. When assessing your transferable skills, it is important that you only include the most important skills in relevance to your target job. As per a career experts advice, listed below are some ways on how you can effectively assess your transferable skills for a new job.

– Dissect each job that you previously have and pin point every skill that has allowed you to efficiently work. You may write them down on the paper from the most significant and recent to the least important skill.

– Connect skills development with the role that you play win your daily life. Are you a parent? Have you attended seminars in which you have been appointed as a delegate, speaker, or organizer? Are you not working but running a small business, such as restaurant, boutique, and retail shop? According to research, in every situation you actually develop a certain skill that can be relevant to the new job that you are aiming to apply. For instance being a parent alone hones your leadership abilities.

– Take a career assessment test online or through a career counselor. You might have taken it before but you can take it again in order for you to find out what skills have been added to your capacity to work including your personality traits, and values. By taking a career assessment you may also discover what career best fits you.

– Gather occupational information online or through job postings. Scrutinize your previous job experiences and your known abilities if they are of any relevance.

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