Hair Loss Treatment Website Publishes Extensive Glossary Of Hair Loss Terms

Fort Lauderdale, FL – August 22, 2011 –, the world’s most authoritative and unbiased website providing comprehensive consumer information about hair loss and it’s treatment, has recently published the largest and most extensive hair loss glossary in print or on the web.

The extensive hair loss glossary defines over 175 terms related to men’s and women’s hair loss conditions and treatments culled from‘s extensive knowledge base of over 600 original articles on hair loss treatments ranging from nonsurgical hair replacement to hair transplant surgery and Chinese medicine to hair loss conditions like Alopecia areata, male pattern baldness and postpartum hair loss.

“Unlike so many other major hair loss websites online today,‘s mission is to provide consumers with education rather than trying to sell them a “hair loss solution” that doesn’t work,” explains Michael Garcia, Spokesman for “To that end, we’ve gone out of our way to provide free services and free online tools that allow consumers who suffer from hair loss to learn more about their condition so that they can make the more informed decision about how they are going to approach their treatment.”

The hair loss glossary, written by staff writer Naomi Mannino, is formatted traditionally, with a search function and all hair loss terms presented in alphabetical order. Definitions are practical and consumer-friendly, deftly explicating concepts of certain hair loss conditions that require a grasp of sometimes-complex medical terminology.

According to Spokesman Garcia, trying to find the right solution or treatment to one’s particular hair loss condition “is like navigating your way through a maze of mirrors.”

“Researching hair loss treatments for a particular condition can be a very tricky proposition,” says Garcia. “With the investment of both money and time that’s often required to restore one’s natural and youthful appearance — medically or cosmetically — the consumer needs to be armed with facts so that they don’t end up becoming a victim of fraud or buying what we call in the industry ‘snake oil’.”

Every element of every hair loss condition and treatment is broken down into individual terms. For instance, consumers can, term-by-term, study every aspect of a nonsurgical hair replacement solution such as hair systems or hair extensions, learning about different hair types, adhesives, hair types, attachment methods and bases.

“When we began building the glossary we were only thinking of it in terms of offering a free tool that assists the consumer in performing their due diligence when researching hair loss treatments and conditions,” adds Garcia. “This glossary has become so comprehensive that anyone who studies it can easily gain a Ph.D. level of understanding of hair loss.”‘s hair loss glossary of terms can be viewed here:

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