Let Jay Allen Finn, Cpa Help You To Solve Your Irs Tax Problems Today

Tax problems are nothing to take lightly. If you owe the IRS for delinquent taxes, getting those taxes paid back should be a high priority. Of course, there are other things in life that often come first such as family, work and other factors that may keep you from paying the IRS. The bad news is that the IRS really does not care about your other problems. They can and will do everything in their power to collect the money that you owe. This can involve garnishing your wages, placing a levy on your bank accounts to freeze your money and even taking your personal property in many cases.

The good news is that DoggedbyIRS.com can help you to get out from under the IRS. When you contact Jay Allen Finn, CPA you are taking the first step in ridding yourself of your tax problems and getting back on your feet. If you qualify, Mr. Finn can help you to get an offer in compromise. This is a program that allows you to set a structured payment to the IRS. Once you have begun this process, the IRS will no longer be able to take your wages, bank accounts or property. Of course, you need to quality for an Offer in Compromise in order for it to work for you and Mr. Finn can determine if you qualify and get the process started if you do.

Mr. Finn can help you to complete your delinquent tax returns, get you a reduction of penalties on the money that you owe to the IRS, stop the government from taking your wages and personal properties and even protect your future income tax refunds. After working with the IRS as an agent for many years, he knows exactly what the IRS will do to get their money and he knows exactly how to work with them on your behalf to protect you. In addition, once you sign over your power of attorney to Mr. Finn and his office, the IRS will no longer be allowed to harass you. They will need to speak to Mr. Finn. This can be a great relief to anyone who has been dealing with the IRS over tax debt.

Don’t wait another day to get the relief that you need and solve those IRS tax problems. Contact Jay Allen Finn, CPA today and allow him to go to work on your behalf and help you to get out from under the IRS for good.

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