Organisations To Add Another Dimension To Your Retirement

Retired? Enjoying the freedom? Yes, of course you are… and yet sometimes perhaps you miss the structure or purpose of the day ahead, and the company of working colleagues?

Well, why not bring back that comfortable feeling of ‘belonging’ by joining one of the numerous organizations just waiting to welcome you, and so adding a further dimension to your retirement?

A question for the Ladies! What is the largest organization for women in England and Wales, which has approximately 230,000 members and has been running since 1915?

Yes, you’ve guessed it IT IS THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE, and NO, IT’S DEFINITELY NOT JUST ‘JAM & JERUSALEM’. Aside from the friendly, social monthly meetings …to quote … WI plays a unique role in enabling women to turn their interests into achievements and their concerns into campaigns”.

There are approximately 7,300 Women’s Institutes in England and Wales, so there is every likelihood that there is one near you. (If not, and you have a group of friends or colleagues who are keen to get involved, you might like to start your own WI with the help of a WI Advisor).

As well as the friendly ‘get-togethers’ with fellow members over a cup of tea and biscuits at the monthly meetings, you can sit back and be entertained by the stories and experiences of visiting lecturers from all walks of life. As an example, over the past few months, I have listened to an author’s humorous ‘look at life’, an English lady’s experience as an Iranian housewife, A Commodore who served on The Royal Yacht, and the ‘upstairs/downstairs’ experiences of a Yorkshire Housekeeper. WI Institutes also offer numerous activities and outings. At my local WI we also have a Handicraft section, Gardening section and Drama section (mainly humorous) and definitely not ‘Calendar Girl’ status not yet anyway! (As they say, we would definitely need bigger buns),

One of the WI’s aims is to help members to develop and enjoy their talents, and as an additional benefit the WI HAS IT’S OWN RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE at Marcham, Nr Oxford. This is an elegant Georgian Country House where members can attend a wide range of courses, from 2 nights to a week in length, and taught by tutors and specialists who come from all over the country. It is a very relaxed and enjoyable way of expanding your interests. Not only is the accommodation and food excellent, but the house is set in 17 acres of landscaped gardens complete with lake. I have stayed there myself and can thoroughly recommend it.

The above is just a synopsis of WI, and further information can be obtained from their site at

This is just one of the many organizations that will expand your horizons and add another dimension to your retirement. Details of other organizations will be coming your way shortly, so make a note to click on followed by ‘Jo’s Jottings’.

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