Prepare For A Post Military Career While Still In Service

It you are serving under the US army you have access to excellent facilities to increase your skills and educational levels regardless of whether you plan to pursue a permanent career in the Armed Forces or not. There are a number of Army correspondence courses through which you can prepare yourself for your post military career or better your career prospects while remaining in the defense forces. You can take advantage of some of the following programs:nnThe Army Correspondence Course ProgramnnThe ACCP (Army Correspondence Course Program) is designed to let you update your skills to current levels and prepare for advancing your military career. The course consists of progressive modules that let you earn points and work your way towards a promotion. Every module consists of several sub-courses that you complete one by one. The ACCP program is designed to provide you training related to your specific professional field. You may opt for courses for skill qualification development and/or for advancing in your MOS.nneArmyU nnThe eArmyU program is sponsored by the US Army to let you pursue online college education in your free time when you are off duty. It is aimed at supporting you to prepare yourself for a non-military career or take up a course you may want for personal development or interest. It is possible to obtain TA or tuition assistance for this program through the GoArmyEd portal. All soldiers on active duty whether officers, warrant officers or enlisted, are authorized to receive TA subject to conditions. Under a uniform fiscal policy of the Department of Defense, 100 percent of tuition and authorized fees charged by an accredited college up to an annual ceiling of $4,500 (for the year 2005) are payable by the Army under the Tuition Assistance program.nnDANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support) nnDANTES programs are aimed at providing military personnel with opportunities for further education that can fit into the active military lifestyle. DANTES programs involve cutting edge and innovative methods of delivering education to deployed troops that include e-learning, satellite courses, video, Podcast classes and also courses that can be downloaded on to PDAs. Such programs are offered through college and universities authorized by DANTES for delivering distance learning education. You can thus take specific courses allowing you to complete your degree, earn a degree or undergo vocational training provided by a DANTES approved education provider.nnIf you want to stand out as a specialist among your peers you can opt to take one of the exclusive Bachelor of Science programs offered by Henley-Putnam University and specialize in counter terrorism, intelligence and protection. There are over one hundred courses offered on various topics like covert actions, intelligence team management and counter terrorism. All degrees can be completed online. Terrorism and counter terrorism studies cover organizational structures of terrorist outfits, their techniques, psychology and tactics and ways for developing and executing strategies to forestall and disrupt terrorist activities as also mitigate the damage they inflict. The faculty members are specialists who have served leading intelligence organizations like the FBI, DIA, CIA, US Secret service and Special force in senior positions. Every student to these courses is attached to a faculty career mentor who supports and guides the student in intelligence and strategic security.

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