Retirement Can Be More Rewarding If You Plan Ahead

There are few times in life worth looking forward to that are better than retirement, unless it is retiring knowing you will have financial security for you and your family. Most people will spend years working, knowing retirement is going to sneak up on them and for most people proper planning will enable them to enjoy their years doing things with their spouse and family that they did not have time to do while working.

The first few months may be difficult when entering into retirement as bad as many see the habit of working it was something they did every day for many years. They woke up, got ready and left for work and came home in the evening, based on the shift they were working, usually five or six days a week. The first few days may feel like a break, similar to being on vacation and it may take some time before it sinks in that the time for retirement has arrived and there will be no going back to the job.

Retirement is not an acceptable alternative to going to work every day for some people. If they retired after reaching the age for full retirement, there is no problem with finding another job. However, if they took an early retirement at age 62, and began receiving Social Security benefits, they will be penalized for earning the extra money until they reach full retirement age. In most cases, for every two dollars they earn, they will lose one dollar in benefits.

Retiree’s Time Used For Getting Re-acquainted

If couples plan to travel they usually begin almost immediately after their retirement party, and have already set a goal of where they want to go and how long they want to be gone, but most retain their home as a roosting point for the times between travel. Whether it is to go on a second honeymoon or a celebration cruise, they will want time for themselves to celebrate the fact that they will not have to share their time with a job.

For others retirement is a time to participate in hobbies they enjoy but lacked the time due to a hectic work schedule. Outdoor activities are now possible on days other than the weekend when crowds were a problem and prices were higher. Typically, amusement parks have significantly more traffic on weekends and many golf courses have reduced rates on weekdays. Hitting the hot spots with the spouse is a great way to get to know each other after being separated for about a third of the day, everyday.

Retirement also gives people the time to offer their time and talents for charity work or for mentoring others entering the field from which they recently retired. For those who took an early retirement they may be willing to offer their services on a voluntary basis to keep their minds sharp and to offer their experience in various industries to keep busy without risking the loss of their retirement income.

For the most part, retirement is to be the time when people can leave the hassle of work and spend time doing the things they have always wanted to do, but lacked the time. However, if they failed to plan their finances, they find they have the time, but not the money and will go back to work to help pay for extras that they cannot afford on their retirement income.

When it comes time to retire, whether it is early, late or right on time most view retirement with a feeling of relief mixed with anxiety, as they may not be sure of what they will do with themselves. However, whatever they decide to do once they retire, they will likely have the time to do it.

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