Retirement – How To Make The Most Of Your Golden Years

For many, the thought of retirement conjures up visions of lazy days on the beach and evenings at the shuffleboard court, but there are a few that feel retirement is the end of usefulness and productivity. Like anything in life your retirement happiness depends greatly on the way you view it and there are many things you can do to feel connected and useful well into your golden years.

A successful retirement, however starts with good planning well before you reach retirement age and includes making plans for your financial well being and health coverage as well as insuring you have a social support network and a variety of meaningful activities to engage in. If you plan for an active retirement life style you will have a greater chance of health and happiness.

One thing you must also prepare for though are the losses that come with advanced age and those include losses to your health as well as loved ones. At first you might morn the loss of your productivity as you are not working every day, but most people find they adjust to this quickly and can replace that gap with volunteer work or a part time job. There are other losses to deal with and the loss of a spouse can be devastating but it helps if you have a good support system and work to keep a sense of independence throughout your retirement.

Luckily being retired doesn’t mean that you just sit around all day and many retirees lead very active lifestyles. It is great to be able to do things with your spouse, but having your own interests are important and will help you dealt with the loss if your spouse should die. In fact, being retired opens up new opportunities for activities you might not have been able to do when working.

Volunteer work, community service, family roles and household work are known to increase after retirement and fill in where work schedules leave off. Spending more time traveling and with the grandchildren is another bonus you will find waiting for you in your golden years.

Making the most of your retirement includes insuring you have a great network of family and friends as well as activities that you enjoy. Saving for retirement early can insure you have the funds to do everything you want in your golden years and give you the security to enjoy it.

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