Retirement Investing – How It Is Done

Everybody has an idea of what their dream retirement will look like. However, do you have the math to back it? How will you pay for your dream retirement is the big question. Lets talk retirement investing. Estimate yearly expenses at $45,000. On top of that add pension and social security at $25,000. Add $5000 for items you covet, like that Europe trip or the costly home theater system.

Add up everything and you need about 1.2 million dollars. Now that’s a lot of money. Before you reach for the anti-anxiety pills consider this – you now have a lot more tools than before to pull in the money in your retirement investing plan.

This article lays out a three part strategy for getting where you want. It involves more active (aggressive) investing. Also, cutting back on spending when the markets are tough and spending more when the markets are good.

Stocks – You need the growth power of stocks in your investment portfolio. Current wisdom says, subtract your age from 100 and invest that percentage of money in stocks. The growth power of stocks is needed to add to your savings and make sure you have money that lasts a lifetime.

Investment firms are beginning to understand this reality today. It may seem risky to rely too much on stocks but it is more prudent than a timid approach. If the market shows an average performance, your retirement investing income should be a huge stash of money
with a couple of years of income thrown in.

In retirement investing, stocks provide greater protection from inflation than bonds. This helps you maintain your standard of living. However, investments in stocks should not be overdone. Investing over aggressively may lead to far greater losses in stocks than is normal. Be sure to decrease stock investment as you age.

Apart from smart retirement investing you will need to tap other assets. Some people decide on working after retirement. Whether this is a pastime, for fun or for the money, it could prove to be an important source of income. This has other benefits as well. You will not need to tap into your savings to run the house. This lowers the risk of your portfolio running dry.

Your home is another important retirement asset. It is good to know you have a cushion in the form of value of your house. You can use it by buying a less expensive house after selling this one, a reverse mortgage or a home equity line of credit.

Managing your spending is the next most important part of retirement investing. It is important to keep a flexible attitude on spending. Advisors recommend you limit your initial withdrawal after retirement to 4 percent of your portfolio. After this, increase the dollar amount annually for inflation. This four percent is not a random amount. It provides an assurance that your savings will last for 30 years. Spend more when your portfolio performs well and spend less when it performs poorly.

The willingness to make adjustments in spending is an important part of retirement investing. There are no guarantees in retirement, much like life itself. However, with the right saving and disciplined spending, you have a much better chance of living out your dream retirement.

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