Start A Small Business & Save For Retirement!

Retirement is just around the corner. You’ve worked your whole life and find immense satisfaction in the work that you do. While you’re looking forward to more time for following your pursuits, the idea of being job-less scares you. Perhaps you’ll find an enjoyable side-job… or maybe you’ll decide to start a small business!

First, you’ll need to ask yourself: How much of my money am I willing to invest in my future? How much do I have saved or will I get as a lump sum when I retire? People with higher incomes now have a better ability to take the leap into a new business.

If you’re penny-pinching just to make ends meet, a hefty investment may not be for you. You’ll also want to ask: How am I feeling? Do you have the energy, stamina and time to start a small business?

Next, consider your alternatives: you could get a new job after retiring or stick to IRAs, 401ks and annuity savings. Getting a new job could take anywhere from six to twelve months. What kind of job would you want?

The energy and time required to find a rewarding retirement job might actually be more difficult than just starting a business of your choosing. IRAs and 401ks are certainly something you’ll want to invest in anyway, but they won’t provide continuous growth for you, aside from interest.

Choosing to start a small business is the gift to yourself that keeps giving and it’s something you can feel proud of too!

So you’re excited to start a small business and a business retirement plan, but you’re unsure where to start researching. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is an invaluable starting point where you can examine which industries are expected to grow in the next ten years.

According to BLS, the fastest growing industries through 2010 include: warehousing and storage, business services, health services, residential care, equipment rental and leasing, with the #1 industry holding steady at computer and data processing.

The best idea is naturally to start with what you know, which is why individual consulting businesses have grown over the years. For instance, Groupware, a tech consulting firm, grew 7,579% since 2003 with revenue stretching into the billions. You might also want to check your local paper for available franchise opportunities.

In the first quarter of 2007, self-employment rose 29%, with 88% of these entrepreneurs over 40. More and more baby boomers choose to start a small business for their retirement needs.

Small business loans are one option for finance, if you don’t want to touch your current savings. It might pay to also ask around to see if anyone you know may want to sell their low-risk, profitable business. Remember that early retirement planning is best, so consider your options today!

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