Termwiki The Essential Resource Every College Student Must Have

College is exciting. Sometimes, though, it can be a little overwhelming. With an endless flow of new information from multiple classes, it can be difficult to keep up in the time you’re given. TermWiki.com can help. Whether you’re an incoming freshman or a returning student, TermWiki is a free online tool that will make your college life easier.

TermWiki.com is the world’s fastest growing social learning network, a free online portal that has recently become the go-to hangout for students around the world. The site offers a number of easy-to-use tools aimed at helping students quickly find information and obtain answers to common questions in over 1,300 different subjects.

In a nutshell, TermWiki is Wikipedia and Facebook combined, a one-stop shop that provides students with an exclusive, social learning environment in which to find and share knowledge. To-the-point encyclopedia entries, complemented with user discussions, forums and micro-blogs, create a highly collaborative and dynamic environment that’s unlike any other reference site available.

For example, most university courses today involve some sort of extended writing assignment in the form of a research paper or essay. As a student, you have to clearly define the research question, obtain background information�”often through online research�”and present your argument in a clear and concise manner with proper citations in place. This is where TermWiki is especially useful, as it offers concise and easy-to-understand explanations of over 1.5 million terms, concepts, and topics. Even if a topic is not yet covered on the site, you can obtain help from subject-matter experts by simply posting your questions in TermWiki’s AnswerBea platform.

But how do you go about doing it all? This brief guide highlights some of the many ways that TermWiki can assist you in your academic endeavors.

1) More than a million terms at your disposal

TermWiki.com gives you instant access to over 1.5 million technical terms in more than 75 languages. It doesn’t matter if you’re taking science, sociology or history classes, TermWiki has highly organized, topical reference information in nearly any subject you can imagine. For students studying a second or third language, TermWiki’s interconnected network of multilingual information will also enable you to broaden your conceptual understanding in different languages.

Recent studies show that students learn 30% faster by first committing key terms and definitions for a particular subject to memory. So with TermWiki’s term-oriented educational model, combined with its social approach to knowledge sharing, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your college learning experience.

2) Develop your own personal reference glossary

TermWiki’s My Glossary module provides students with a convenient place to keep track of important terms related to their studies. This can be particularly useful when you’re engaging in a highly specialized major or learning a foreign language.

Say you’re studying architecture. Architecture requires you to memorize thousands of technical terms with slight nuances between them, often necessitating visual references as well as definitions in order to keep them all straight. With My Glossary, you can store and manage those terms�”complete with multimedia references�”in a comprehensive, personalized online glossary. You can even collaborate with your peers to develop and translate the information therein.

The best part? Because My Glossary is cloud-based, you’ll be able to access your information anywhere, anytime. And if you don’t like studying from a screen, you can export your data to Excel and print a hard copy of your glossary to keep as a physical reference. TermWiki makes it easy�”and did you know it’s free?

3) Connect with peers and subject-matter experts

College is largely a social experience�”and so is TermWiki. A significant aspect of the site’s offering is its focus on helping you connect with peers and other like-minded individuals.

In this respect, TermWiki has three features that promote collaborative learning. First is the Groups feature, which allows you to form groups around a chosen subject matter and discuss your interests with other members of the community. It’s a fun, easy way to learn about different subjects and keep abreast of trends with knowledgeable peers.

The second collaborative feature on TermWiki is the Forum, a platform that lets you pose discussion topics to the TermWiki community at large. This message board provides a space for friendly, thoughtful debate informed by a multitude of different perspectives from around the world.

And finally, for pressing, subject-specific questions you can use AnswerBea, TermWiki’s question and answer platform. AnswerBea invites you to ask subject- and industry-related questions to a group of educated, supportive individuals, helping to eliminate your homework woes with targeted answers to even the most difficult questions.

4) Promote yourself and increase your online visibility

The content on TermWiki is almost entirely user-generated. Unlike other websites, the developers of TermWiki believe that you deserve full credit for your contributions to the community. Because of this, the site was designed to link your name and relevant information to all of the expert definitions and translations that you submit to the site. By clicking on your username, other community members can view your profile, where you have the option of including links to your website(s), listing relevant work experience and subject-matter expertise, as well as posting pictures and personal updates. You can even upload your resume.

Through this function, you’ll be able to connect with like-minded individuals and pursue potential career opportunities more effectively. The TermWiki community encourages you to take pride in your education and expertise, and is always looking for new ways to help you increase your online visibility.

Overall, TermWiki is a great resource for college students looking to manage and expand their knowledge. It’s rapidly turning into a social learning network that students go to connect and meet other students.

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