The Irs Tax On Gambling – Recover Casino Taxes

The IRS tax on gambling entails that you pay 30 percent of the money that you won right away when you win more than $1200 at a casino or other legal gambling establishment in the United States. This money comes off from your winnings right away. You will receive a win slip when you win money at a casino or other establishment with this amount withheld. Most Americans are aware of the IRS tax on gambling and are happy to get their winnings, regardless of the money that is due to Uncle Sam right away. This is done to insure that the taxes are paid. American citizens do not have to claim this on their income tax forms as the money has already been withheld. They cannot recover casino taxes for themselves. However, those who come from other countries do not have to follow the same rules. They can recover casino taxes paid to the IRS if they can prove that they are not citizens of the United States and at the time of their winnings were legal residents of another country.

In order to recover casino taxes, a person must be aware of the IRS tax on gambling. This is not usually clearly explained at the casino when a person who wins money receives a win slip and sees that the taxes have been withheld. Most non US residents have no idea that they can recover casino taxes because they do not have to follow the IRS tax on gambling as they are not under the same obligation to the IRS as an American citizen. In order to recover casino taxes, however, the person must deal with the IRS.

Dealing with the IRS for most Americans is considered to be horrific at best. Dealing with the internal revenue service when you are not a US citizen and want to recover casino taxes due to the IRS tax on gambling can be confusing as well as frustrating. This is why you are better off to use a firm that understands all about the IRS tax on gambling and can help you recover casino taxes that you may have paid in error. Even if you no longer have your win slip and it has been a couple of years since you won the money, you may still be entitled to a refund for the casino taxes that were withheld. A firm can help you recover casino taxes and will be able to ascertain whether or not you fall into the criteria used by the IRS tax on gambling.

You are better off to deal with the IRS using a firm than trying to do this alone as it can be a long and very frustrating process at best. If you use a firm that is well aware of the IRS tax on gambling, you stand a good chances to recover casino taxes you may have paid, but were not obligated to pay, because you were not a citizen of the United States at the time you were gambling. You can go online and see if you meet the criteria that are needed in order to get some of your taxes that you paid to the IRS back from your gambling winnings.

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