There Really Is Idaho Real Estate

I love being a realtor. I guess because I love helping people in the process of finding homes and I love helping them make choices that are the best for them. I work out of California, but I help my clients move to a variety of places all around the country and even around the world. I like this part of my job because I can be familiar with the real estate market far beyond my own state. Recently I had a client inquire about the Idaho real estate market.

I’ll be honest. When my clients first asked me about the Idaho real estate market, I wanted to respond by saying that I didn’t believe that there really was a real estate market to speak of in Idaho. I understood the fact that sometimes people needed to relocate because of jobs, but I had never met anyone that was willfully choosing to move to a state like Idaho out of pure desire to live there. Until, that is, I met these clients. They wanted to move from sunny and beautiful northern California to the emptiness of what I imagined Idaho to be.

Regardless of my thoughts on the subject, I remembered that I was a professional and that these clients were hiring me to help them find the perfect home from the Idaho real estate market. So I swallowed my immediate thoughts and responded by telling them that I would be happy to investigate the current Idaho real estate market and see what I could find for them. We came up with a list of the basic things they were looking for and with a price range that seemed doable for them. And then I went to work.

I quickly discovered that there is in fact an Idaho real estate market that is much busier than most people would imagine. In fact, I was nearly shocked by the wide range of options that are available to people who want to make Idaho home. Both inside cities like Boise and all over the quieter places of the state, the Idaho real estate market has a lot to offer. I was pleased to return to my clients the next week with a long list of options for them to consider.

So if you are being forced to move to Idaho for work, or if you just have a hankering for Idaho and are moving there for fun, then wait no longer. Check out the Idaho real estate market for yourself and see what you can find.

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