Car Insurance. Legal Expenses Cover Make It An Essential

Sometimes it’s just not enough to be insured, as Simon, our accountant, found out recently. He loves his car, a BMW 7 Series with metallic silver paint, and thinks of it as one of the family. So he made sure when arranging his insurance that he had every angle covered, and he chose to get the optional extra of legal expenses cover.

This optional extra doesn’t add much to the premiums, but it can make a real difference in the event of an accident or claim. Even comprehensive insurance doesn’t cover everything. So when Simon’s car was hit in the back at the traffic lights a few months ago, he made the most of the extra capabilities that the legal cover gave him.

For example, Simon works as a self-employed accountant. If he’s not working then he doesn’t get paid. The BMW’s repairs were all covered by his comprehensive insurance and the paintwork would soon be restored to its former glory, but what about Simon and the fact that his wrist was broken in the accident?

Thanks to the legal cover, the processes of compensation for Simon were soon underway, and all at no extra cost. For just 2 a month extra on his premiums, Simon’s legal advisers organised a compensation payout for his broken wrist. Simon was also unable to go back to work for a month so he would not be receiving any pay. Again, the legal cover stepped in and as we speak, negotiations are in the final stages to ensure that he receives compensation for his loss of earnings.

The whole point of this type of cover is that if you were not at fault in the accident, you can receive compensation for various issues that will inconvenience you. In Simon’s case, this was loss of earnings and personal injury. For others, it may be that they can use the cover to rent a car while their car is being fixed at the garage. Not all people’s car insurance provides provisions for a hire car. With legal expenses cover, you don’t have to suffer such high levels of inconvenience, and you’re not out of pocket.

As with any type of insurance, you don’t appreciate it until you actually have to make a claim. Having legal expenses cover makes it all so easy, as all you need to do is complete the claim form then sit back and wait for the insurer to send you the settlement cheque when the matter has been negotiated. You may need to talk to the solicitor assigned to your case, but your involvement will be minimal. If the case has to go to court, you may not necessarily have to attend. The process will run very smoothly and you can be sure that your insurer will do everything they can to get a satisfactory outcome.

When you buy your car insurance next time, look out to see if it’s included automatically, or if you need to get it as an extra. Because most of the insurance policies sold on the Internet are focusing on being cheap, they often won’t include legal expenses cover in the initial quote, as it would affect the premium. So be sure to select it as an extra when you get the opportunity.

Prices vary for this type of cover from insurer to insurer. They range from 17.85 per year with More Than to 24 per year with Budget so it’s not going to break the bank. Not many insurers include it for free, but Admiral is one of the companies that does.

So don’t forget to get legal expense cover when the time comes. Disputes can be long and complicated and payouts can add up to millions of pounds, in which case you will really benefit from making this simple and cheap choice.

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