Career Education Is Your Goal With Every Interviewer

Competent interviewers in the marketplace help you discover the best direction to secure your employer of choice.

Your goal is to learn everything you can from the interviewer as well as from your research on the Internet. Don’t be bashful, ask whatever you want to know.

Sure, timing is important but you should have all the details about every career position before you leave the interview.

Hold off the urge to ask about money during the early part of your interview. You probably don’t want to appear only interested in CASH rewards, but the answer needs to come somewhere in the process.

No need to spend time when there is no possibility of meeting your bottom line money requirements with a particular Interviewer.

Sure, there are many avenues of interest to discover. The first questions that need to be answered are…. can you do the job? Do you have the skills? Talent? Education? Knowledge? Do you have experience already in this field?

Obviously, you have more questions…. assuming you answered YES to our initial questions. Once you have met with the interviewer and he believes you have “what it takes” to do the job, then we can begin to sneak in the important questions… about compensation, benefits, work hours, job assignment, supervision, the title you’ll have as an employee, etc.

There’s usually an understanding that if you don’t ask for “it” upfront [before your new job begins] you may as well forget about “seeing” it in your future.

For example, 2 weeks vacation may be the “norm” but maybe you can negotiate a better agreement with 3,4 or 5 weeks; start other benefits immediately rather than in 90 days…. worth thinking about during the initial interviews with the executive staff or owners.

Leave NO lingering questions ~ ask if you don’t know or if you don’t understand. A good interviewer wants you to ASK questions about all things important about the career position you are seeking.

If you get rejected or made to feel foolish, then I would think long and hard before hanging my hat with this company.

The real truth about a firm is often hidden, covered-up, or a bad situation not revealed. It’s important that you dig deep for any underlying skeletons, bad publicity or press, dishonesty within the ranks, especially at the executive level of the firm or the owners behind the scenes.

Never shy away from diversity, or considering an entirely new position regardless of past “gender” decisions in the past. Women are doing jobs formerly filled by men most of the time and now men are doing jobs “normally” filled by women in the past, i.e. … wait staff, nurses, secretaries, even the bus boy/girl cleaning tables. are non-gender focused today.

Your focus should be on opportunity not whether it’s different from your past experiences in the job market.

Be open to change, new exposures in the business marketplace are happening and offer career choices in every field of enterprise.

Keep your notebook handy, especially when you’re interviewing with the competition in your niche industry.

Write down all the questions you are asked, think about your answers, right or wrong, it becomes added ammunition in your own arsenal of Q and A, to have on the very tip of your tongue for an easy response next time around.

Ask for the firms EMPLOYEE MANUAL and any additional “propaganda” advertising or financial reports that may be available in the public eye.

Every firm should be willing to share their history and future goals with you during the interview process.

I’d take the EM and reports home with me and spend a little time reading all the fine print. You may turn up a few surprises that the interviewer overlooked telling you about.

I’d want to know if the company promotes from within or always goes on the outside to look for a new employee.

Think about it! You’ve got to get promoted to reach your 5 year goals, at least that’s my assumption as you find a beginning place to start your climb up the corporate ladder.

In conclusion, let me suggest visiting several local organizations, especially the Chamber of Commerce and others to discover if the firm is a good citizen, do they support local groups, i.e. the United way, the BBB [Better Business Bureau] and there may be other places this firm is well connected to in the community as a good citizen.

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