Four Step Strategy To Change Your Career

There can be hundreds of reasons why people change career. However, the most important thing is that you are able to land on a decent and satisfactory career. Choosing and shifting to a new career can be a daunting task. At some point, landing into a more meaningful career also depend on how skillful you are in looking for a job that matches your skills and interest.

Listed below are four strategic steps that you may follow in order to land a more meaningful job.

1. Face your fears and take the risk – Whether or not you have only spent a few months with your previous jobs, it has partially become one of your comfort zones. In changing career you need to embrace the fact that you are leaving your current job, however be open to the possibilities that you may not get your dream job immediately. Thus, face your fears and do not be afraid to try. Take one step at a time as you develop your short-term, intermediate, and long term goals. Control your thinking; think positively however do not also neglect the fact that there are always two sides of the coin. Take note of some options in case you will not be able to land a job immediately.

2. Put a bracket line between your pipe dream and realistic goal – Before you are able to reach your dream, you still have to climb a long ladder. In changing career, let your intelligence rule over your feelings. Learn about the market hiring trends. Identify the expanding industries, downsizing patterns, and outsourcing practices. Research on the current happenings within or outside your company and be up-to-date with the latest job hiring opportunities.

Do not hesitate to speak with co-workers, read industry publications, and consider volunteering in some other industries. Although your dream job may not be included in the top fastest growing jobs for the next five years, do not wait until it is too late. Grab the opportunity to apply on one of the jobs that fit your skills and expertise and use this as an effective transition, which will lead you to your dream job.

3. Take one step at a time – Do not rush on changing career. After quitting your current job, take some time to assess your skills one more time by taking a career assessment. You surely have acquired and developed more skills that will advance you to getting a new job. On your resume, highlight your personal and job-related experience that the employer needs. In addition, cite your interpersonal, management, technological and communication abilities as these are consistently in demand.

4. Be straight forward – Once you have quit your current job, there is no backing off. Before you take a new step towards your goal, list the things that you should do and stay focus on your priorities. Decide without a doubt and make sure that your goal is fixed to avoid future regrets.

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