How Does The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell System Work

There are many valid reasons to start looking for alternative fuels for your car. There is the looming danger of global warming, and of course, the most pressing as of the moment, the current global economic downturn. It is for these reasons that many people are looking for ways to lower their spending on fuels.

While it may take more than just decades to totally eradicate the use of fossil fuels, there are existing technologies today that can help anyone improve the fuel economy of their car and extend the gas mileage per gallon.

One such technology is Hydro Assist Fuel Cell or HAFC. This system is not just one but several fuel saving technologies coupled together to give the masses a gas saving technology that is available today.

Think of your car as an energy factory. It uses fuel in the engine to create energy that is transferred to the wheel that makes the car go. It also creates electrical energy from the alternator and the battery. HAFC rides on the energy created by the engine from the fuel to make the system more efficient.

HAFC technology extracts a hydrogen-oxygen mixture from water by ionizing it with electricity from the battery. This hydrogen-oxygen mixture is then added to your fuel before it is burned in the engine, making it burn more easily and powerfully. This energy rich gas (hydrogen-oxygen) is called Brown’s gas, and is a proven technology that is used in welding torches and plasma cutters.

Brown’s gas extracted from water enriches the fuel mixture, allowing you to pump less fuel into the engine but get the same if not greater amount of burn, thus improving your vehicle’s gas mileage.

The HAFC system also uses six powerful magnets to ionize the gasoline to produce smaller molecules that burn more rapidly and cleanly. It is often misconstrued that gas burns. Gas DOES NOT BURN. It is but the vapor that is on the surface of the gas that burns. Gasoline is made that way to lessen the chances of gas exploding. It is only when the fuel is to be burned that it is turned into a fine mist and pumped into the car’s combustion chamber.

If this fine mist were to be turned actually into gas, and the components broken down to make it burn more, you will get a more explosive mixture, meaning more power, and less emissions, using less fuel. That is why cars that run on Liquefied Petroleum Gas are more economical, the fuel that reaches the engine is in gas form, easily burned and gives off less smoke.

Some studies have shown that the HAFC system can produce gas savings of a minimum of 50%. This is a dramatic increase in mileage and fuel economy, though it is expected that savings will vary from vehicle to vehicle, and depending on the uses the vehicles sees.

The beauty of the HAFC System is that it will work on all existing gasoline-burning cars. And unlike conversions to LPG fuel, there will be no need for modifications, only added components that will not burden the car. It is also compatible with other emerging technologies such as Pre Ignition Catalytic Converter technology, which should be available to you soon.

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