Hubbard College Offers Career Planning For Prospective Students

People find it very stressful when friends and colleagues around them are falling victim to the pink slip plague” where lay-offs have spread to nearly every business and sector in our economy. That has resulted in many to rethink their careers and in some cases do a complete 180 degree turn and tackle a new area of business. New goals have to be set and new skills learned so back to school” would be a clever strategy to acquire new abilities that will equip one with the necessary knowledge needed for success. For those that have been in one line of work for many years and now have to change direction, good guidance and career planning is absolutely vital.

At the Hubbard College of Administration, a unique career guidance program has been developed which gives one a practical understanding of business administration and what it is like to work in a new field one may have shown interest in. The programs at the College are laser focused to get students prepared for the work place. At the end of each module there is an apprenticeship program, which allows each student to practice what he or she learned in class and experience different business environments.

We believe that career planning should include learning broad administrative skills. Irrespective of whatever career one selects, getting a solid grounding in administration will bode well for a student’s future. Just as employers expect new employees to be computer literate, they will welcome employees who are also trained in vital business technologies such as marketing and public relations.

So how does a student figure out a course of study when he or she does not have any idea what to do in life? The workplace is an ever changing environment where employers are looking for employees that can do the work as soon as they arrive. This is where career planning comes in. We believe that a career education” should include administration. From the receptionist to the CEO, each will need an understanding of business management to be successful.

I spent a few years at another college” said a recent graduate I used to skip classes and I really felt I was not getting what I came for. When I enrolled at the Hubbard College of Administration, their in depth questioning on what I wanted to accomplish made me feel they were really interested in me and I knew I had come to the right place” she added.

Tours of Hubbard College and interviews on career planning are available. Call 1-888-812-4224 or visit our web site today.

About Hubbard College of Administration

Hubbard College of Administration is a business career college located in Los Angeles, California. The school offers self-paced programs and utilizes a comprehensive study technology, apprenticeships, internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime guarantee for students. Their degree programs offer excellent career training and step-by-step guidance so that when a student completes their program, he or she will have chosen a satisfying and successful career.

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