Kickstart Your Teaching Career With These Useful Tips

For first time teachers, a new teaching environment comes with anticipation and nerves. The following ideas are meant to help navigate you through some of the complex facets of your first year of teaching.

Set Rules And Expectations

Long-time teachers recognize the importance of creating rules and expectations for the class in the beginning of the school year – and ideally the first class session. Talk with your students about each of the guidelines, place them somewhere in the classroom where they can easily be seen and go over them several times. Initiate a discussion about each guideline and have your students respond to them or explain them in their own words. . The idea is to make sure that your students grasp the concept of each guideline and that they are to take responsibility for their actions in class. It is also important to have unique stations in your classroom so students get familiar with what’s proper behavior at the different areas. Have areas for play time and designate other areas for quiet time and reading by using things like kids rugs.

Learn To Prepare Lessons In Advance

You will find your job as a teacher much less stressful if you are able to work ahead. Plan your activities a week or even a whole month ahead of time. Remember that each day is different. For each unit, have extra activities planned and supplies on hand just in case the planned lesson is finished more quickly than anticipated.

Keep Lesson Materials Close At Hand

Being well prepared also includes having the teaching supplies collected and ready to go. There are different ways of creating an inventory of supplies. Supplies may be provided by the school, by your own cost, or may be brought by students at the start of the school year. However you think is best, keep your teacher supply cupboard well stocked with all the necessary supplies to take you through each day’s lesson. To avoid the possibility of running out of lesson materials, take a monthly inventory of your supply cabinet.

Create A Balance

First year teachers find it easy to be so wrapped up with the duties of teaching that they forget to leave time for themselves. Obviously, this is not a pattern you want to develop.

You may push yourself to work harder and put in more time perfecting your routine and your methods during the first year, but don’t be so hard on yourself. Select class decor and bulletin board sets that are manageable, as well as long-lasting and able to be used again and again. If everything you attempt in your classroom takes a lot of energy to maintain, you will find it easy to get burnt out.

Bringing in the help of and even parent volunteers where possible will help you stay focused on what is essential.

Ideas For Interacting With Your Substitute Teacher

Be prepared for the eventuality that you will miss a few days of school. Part of your summer prep work should include making a file or multiple files with pertinent details for substitutes. This information should include your own ideas for running the classroom and a checklist for locating all the necessary materials and teaching aides around the classroom. In addition, make a list of acceptable classroom games and activities for substitute days, as well as several different handouts that can take the place of regular instruction. It is also crucial that the substitute teacher has access to all of the needed teacher supplies.

Be Easy To Access

Many parents are interested in their child’s progress in the classroom. Take a few minutes before and after class for parents with questions or concerns. Email can be a convenient tool for connecting with busy parents and allow you to respond when you have more time to address their concerns.

These teaching tips for your first year are designed to focus on and make simpler some of the more challenging aspects of your teaching career so that you can focus more attention on your students and take less work home with you.

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