High Skill Career Opportunities In The 21st Century

Registered apprenticeship is a formalized, structured training program combining on-the-job training and related technical instruction in which paid employees receive practical and technical training in a highly skilled occupation. Apprenticeship is industry-driven career training. Industry determines the skills that are essential to sustain a quality workforce. Apprenticeships can last from one to six years (occupation-dependent). During this time, apprentices work and learn under the direction of experienced journey workers. Over time, apprentices are provided with diverse and complex training that leads to becoming highly skilled in their chosen occupations. As they gain skill, they are compensated through an increase in wages.
Eligibility and Requirements
Registered apprenticeship program sponsors identify the minimum qualifications to apply into their apprenticeship program. The eligible starting age can be no less than 16 years of age; however, individuals must usually be 18 to be an apprentice in hazardous occupations. Program sponsors may also identify additional minimum qualifications and credentials to apply, e.g., education, ability to physically perform the essential functions of the occupation, proof of age. All applicants are required to meet the minimum qualifications. Based on the selection method utilized by the sponsor, additional qualification standards, such as fair aptitude tests and interviews, school grades, and previous work experience may be identified.
Benefits for Apprentices
Through the Apprenticeship Agreement, an apprentice, as an employee, receives supervised, structured on-the-job training combined with related technical instruction. The on-the-job training provides the diversity of training and the related instruction provides the technical knowledge required to perform at a highly skilled level. Some registered apprenticeship programs also have dual accreditation through post-secondary institutions, which ap ply credit for apprenticeship completion towards an Associate Degree.
Included among the many other benefits are:
1.Nationally-recognized Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship
2.High-wage opportunities that meet or exceed those of college graduates
3.Challenging and interesting work in a wide range of occupations
4.The opportunity to earn as you learn (apprentices earn wages that increase as their knowledge and skills increase)
5.Comprehensive career training combining on-the-job training with classroom instruction
6.Increased marketability and job security
7.Opportunity to earn college credit in many occupational areas
Completion Certificate
Upon completing a one to four year (2,000 hours to 8,000 hours) apprenticeship, the worker receives an Apprenticeship Completion Certificate and is recognized as a qualified journey worker nationwide. This Certificate is one of the oldest, most basic, and most highly portable industry credentials in use today. The Certificate is issued by a federally approved State Apprenticeship Council or Agency or, in those States not having such an agency, by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.

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